Swiss bacon for breakfast, awesome it was too.
We were up far too early, with nothing to do.
Minus twelve outside, we suited up.
Sweating inside, we headed out to try our luck.
Lift passes acquired, we headed for the slope.
A few runs later, hungry and unable to cope.
We headed to the apartment for a spot of food.
Recharged our batteries, we were back in the mood.
The afternoon spent out on the hill,
The bright bright sun masking the chill.
Not a bad day considering it was our first,
Our legs like jelly we developed a thirst.
A spot of apres ski, reflecting on our day,
Jacob got air, the floor got in the way.
Whilst watching the halfpipe my glove froze stiff,
Oh and Sam dropped her board off the ski lift.
Back to the apartment, for our dinner,
Hot dogs and burgers, a valentines winner.