We will skip the travelling day - 14th Feb as we did little else with the exception of traveling.
We strolled into Davos town centre or at least a part of it, Jakobshorn / Davos Platz and signed ourselves up for a lesson. A chap called Dom took us out for about 3 hours - lucky guy!!
Sam and I had previously attempted snowboarding about 7 years ago and as such required a refresher course. Dom basically gave Sam and I pointers and we got on with it, spending half the time on our back sides and half the time out of control. We did get better thankfully.
Jacob effectively had the lesson to himself, he enjoyed it immensely and is having a further lesson tomorrow afternoon. Sam and I are going to wing it, however Dom has said he will give us pointer without having to pay for a lesson.
The scenery is beautiful, we have a balcony and a decent view from the window. See below